In Push/Pull a series of simple video actions are played out across two television screens. This artwork was originally created for La Vitrine, a small storefront gallery located in a transitioning neighbourhood on east Rachel Street, Montreal. Like many Montreal storefronts from this period, La Vitrine has two large display windows separated by a walkway leading to the entrance. In order to maintain the physical relationship between the two windows I set up a two-camera video shoot in a production studio, in accordance with the dimensions of storefront. I wanted to engage the site as if two people were actually standing in the windows performing a series of activities that traversed the two spaces.
In 2011, I made a version of Push/Pull for a gallery environment which calls the viewers attention to the negative space between the two monitors. This version more accurately reflects the shift in scale that takes place when the video actors are presented on television monitors.
© 2009-2011 Loades